Live Singapore Dollar to Japanese Yen Conversion
Our user-friendly currency converter provides instant access to the latest currency exchange rates for the Singapore Dollar (SGD), Japanese Yen (JPY), and all major currencies worldwide. Get a quick snapshot of the current market, whether you're checking the SGD to JPY exchange rate or comparing any other currencies.
1.000 SGD = 111.452 JPY
Convert Singapore Dollar to Japanese Yen
SGD to JPY conversion chart
1 SGD to JPY | Last 30 days | Last 90 days |
High | 114.03 | 116.268 |
Low | 110.496 | 110.496 |
Average | 112.054 | 113.849 |
Change | -0.717% | -1.971% |
This chart illustrates data from to . During this period, the average exchange rate stood at Japanese Yen per Singapore Dollar.
SGD to JPY exchange rate history by chart
The SGD/JPY exchange rate reached its peak at Japanese Yen per Singapore Dollar on .
The lowest SGD/JPY exchange rate hit on .
Is SGD up or down compared to JPY in the last 1 month?
The SGD/JPY exchange rate is up 0%, indicating that the Singapore Dollar has gained its value compared to the Japanese Yen.
In the past 30 days, the SGD to JPY exchange rate peaked at 114.03 and hit the lowest at 110.496 , the average rate recorded is 112.054. The overall change in this period was -0.717%.
Over past 90 days, the JPY to JPY exchange rate reached the highest of 116.268 and the lowest of 110.496 , the average rate recorded is 113.849. The overall change in this period was -1.971%.
How to convert Singapore Dollar to Japanese Yen
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